
build a house for a dog in need.

One of the most basic needs of any dog, particularly a dog who lives primarily (if not entirely) outside, is access to adequate shelter. Sadly, many of the dogs that we encounter during community outreach trips lack a suitable dog house. In an effort to improve the living conditions of dogs in the metro Richmond area, Salem’s Light often provides donated dog houses to owners in need of assistance.

While some commercially available dog houses are sturdy/durable enough for all-season use, many donors elect to build custom dog houses for Salem’s Light. This is a great activity for Boy Scouts or other high school students in need of a service project, a work-sponsored team building event, or a weekend project for your favorite handyman (or woman)!

Since a donated dog house may be the first and last house these dogs have, it is essential that the house is well constructed, durable, and provides protection from the elements for its inhabitant.

Salem’s Light provides blueprints for our preferred dog house construction. The dog house design features include:

  • Pressure-treated lumber construction to withstand weather conditions for multiple years;

  • An elevated floor to help better regulate the dog’s body temperature, especially during winter;

  • A removable shingled roof to facilitate easy cleaning of the interior living space (we typically provide straw in the winter) and protect against rain and snow;

  • Single door entry that allows for installation of a door flap to protect against wind/cold; and

  • Adequate living space for medium to large dogs.

If you have any questions about the blueprints or would like to arrange a donation, please contact us for additional information.