Get Involved

There are multiple ways to become involved in or support Salem’s Light. Are you a Boy Scout looking for a service project? Consider building a house for a dog in need (we even provide blueprints). Do you simply want to make a meaningful impact in your community? Consider volunteering for one of our vaccine clinics. Would you like to support our efforts through a direct donation? Consider making a monetary donation or donate supplies for distribution during one of our community outreach initiatives.


build a DOG house

Many of the dogs we encounter lack adequate shelter. If you would like to build a house for a dog in need, we can provide blueprints for our preferred dog house construction - a sturdy, durable structure that will protect an outside dog for years to come!

Volunteer opportunities

Salem’s Light depends on volunteers for our community-based initiatives. Opportunities for involvement include outreach initiatives, vaccine clinics, advocacy and education efforts, and administrative support.

Make a Donation

Your donation will help improve the life of a dog in the metro Richmond area. In addition to monetary donations, donations of supplies (e.g., collars, leashes, toys, flea/tick medications) are also always needed!